Lana Jacobson is a freelance journalist, author, web content writer, blogger, and media consultant.
Away from the public -eye, Lana freelances across the board, for small and large companies’, PR agencies and she has ghost written a book for a business tycoon.
Lana first gained experience at a large newspaper group where she worked her way into becoming a freelance feature writer for magazines, including marie clare SA and USA, True love, Fair Lady, to name but a few.
Lana has contributed to newspapers, including Sydney Morning Herald, The Star (South Africa) and she is freelance contributor for tabloid newspapers.
Lana has won writing competition in Writers Digest International literary Magazine (USA based) – She is a nominated finalist for her feature writing by Media 24 and Mondi magazine groups.
Lana has an MA in creative travel writing. Her spirit of adventure has her travelling extensively and she is often called upon by travel agencies and tourist boards to expose unchartered travel destinations.
Her features appear in numerous Travel magazines and newspapers. When not travelling Lana hangs her hat in Johannesburg, and devotes full time attention to writer’s studio’s clients and writing freelance features and news for newspapers, magazines and online.
Lana Jacobson a freelance journalist is highly acclaimed for representing private clients in the commercial arena. Her client and corporate writing, including profiles of companies and MD’s, appears on line, in trade journals, and published features, and in house magazines and newsletters. Her ghost written book is about to go to second print.
An intrepid and hopelessly addicted traveller Lana has obtained a Masters degree in creative travel writing. She usually travels as A Woman Alone, with a journal for company, or accompanied by a photographer. Her travel stories are widely published.
When not on travel assignments Lana hangs her hat in Johannesburg or Cape Town, at the Writer Studio where she…writes.
When not travelling or writing, her greatest pleasure is having fun with her two daughters. She would like to divide her time between New York, Tel Aviv, Cape Town and Florence.
Lana is currently involved with newspaper feature writing, corporate communications, and magazine features."